Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Season's Interviews

Dear bloggers, dear friends, dear family,

It's been a great week! I have started with the new study book on "Interviews" last week. It is a great joy to read. I love the little exercises (they keep my brain busy), and what a feeling of success each time I find out that I solved them correctly. So far, I really like this study book. There is only one thing I'm regretting...

I realized I don't have much time for friends and family any more (not as much as I used to). That is very unfortunate. I wanted to let each one of you know that I think of you a lot and miss you. I know that each of you understands... it is too important to let go. And I really love it so far. So, I just wanted to thank all of you for your understanding.

My big sister always told me to never let my dreams go. She still thinks that way. Now, she has four kids and a husband. She lives in a nice house near the coast. I visit her every summer. I love my two nieces and two nephews. That was her dream.

My dream is to become an "important" reporter. I want to inform people, I want to advice them and, most importantly, always tell them the truth. I realized throughout this year (and even before that on a more subconcious level since I haven't thought about it as much before I started this journalism course) that there has been so much bad journalism out there. Ill-informed journalists who just want to sell the story as fast as possible. I don't want to be this type of journalist. I truely believe that sometimes it is better to just wait it out until you have more information. What do you think? Am I right?

So my plan for this holiday season is as follows: Since I'm reading the study book on Interviews, I want to interview some of my family members during my visit for Christmas. I want to try out some techniques and get some practice that way. I will let you all know how it went. I think Interviews are incredibly important in every way. There is hardly any journalist who doesn't need to interview people. That's why I think it is important to get some practice. Even during the holidays. :)

Merry Christmas to everyone. Stay tuned for more in the New Year (get there safe)!


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Post partum colloquium

Hello again, dear blogger (and journalism) friends,

It's Kate, your journalism student who is incredibly sad today. You know what happened? Well, here is my short story (but feeling a lot better now).

So I was "online" today to "meet up" with the tutor to help me with some questions I had regarding my study book Trade and Business Journalism (remember?). Anyway, there were too many students online so I had not really a chance to thoroughly go through all my questions. :/ Don't get me wrong, these online colloquia are great. I appreciate them, especially since there is no other way to interact with anyone about details of a specific journalism field. Right now, I'm a little frustrated. So then I called the student's office and asked them if a tutor could help me out over the phone. They said "no" but I can write a personal message to one of the tutors. So I did that, too... Well. Of course, there is no response yet. I suppose it takes a little bit of time. And who knows how many requests they get? I might not be the only one. I was so surprised to see how many students actually made use of the online colloquium.

Aside from that little unfortunate situation I'm doing really well. I'm close to finishing the first study book and look forward to taking this exam next week. It's going to be my very first exam, so that is so exciting.

I have not decided yet which module book I will study next. I have two choices so far: Arts Journalism and Interviews. Not sure which one I prefer. They both look really interesting. Interviews seems to be a little thicker than the other one... but since I have to read them both, it doesn't really matter. Might as well get the thicker one over with first. So "Interviews " is next, I think.

Hey, feel free to send me more messages! I'd be happy to chat with you! I already am in touch with some of you, so that is really great. Let me know what your favorite journalism topics are and such. Also, I'd love to hear from some more experienced "journalists" some stories if you may. :)

You'll here from "this" journalism student again next week. Then I'll take a little holiday break. Stay tuned, friends!


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

'Tis the season!

Hello, dear Journalism friends,

And thank you for all your interesting questions! Unfortunately, I cannot answer them all right away. Please be patient for a little bit longer as I am trying to answer each one of you thoroughly.

I had no idea journalism had so many "fans".

But still, these days, you hear a lot of bad things about it. Why? Well, obviously, this election year had a great impact on that. Journalists are being accused for "fake" news, for being biased. You know what I think? I think this is all just to blame someone else... Seriously, can we really blame journalism for bad coverage? Yes we can. However, there is always another side to things like that. We can't blame "journalism" for it, but most certainly "journalists". They broke our trust in reporting. Not all of them, but some of them did.

With this in mind, I want to become a journalist with principles. Truth, ethic, trust.

By the way. I almost finished my first course book on Trade and Business Journalism. It is fun, but also really tough questions included. I will take the online exam tomorrow. Let's see how that goes but I'm pretty confident.

Stay tuned until next week!
