Thursday, July 27, 2017

Some thoughts

Hello again!

I've finished the solutions journalism module in just two days! Yes! It's true. I've not been too busy with work so I took the chance to get a little ahead of my schedule. The goal is still to finish this program by the end of September or so.

I've had some ideas recently. As I was reading the solutions journalism module, I thought that this should not only be one (of many) approaches within the journalistic field. It should be the one and only road in most journalistic topics. Why? Because I think journalists mostly write about "problems" or issues - like I said, it doesn't apply to every journalism topic, but it does apply to environmental journalism, for instance. There are still journalism topics/areas such as arts journalism where it's all about information (rather than "solving" a problem). So these areas need a different approach. But if you start reading a newspaper, there are a lot more "issues" being reported than just a nice story about a new museum opening or something. So for these issues, it makes a lot of sense to me to always apply the solutions journalism approach (despite all the criticism).

Any thoughts?

I think I will take a few days off and then start with a new module on Monday.

Come back next week!


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